Hi great creators!
Today I've come to you with a view to show my new work. It's a canvas made for Craftpaper's blog as an inspiration :) And else I've prepared for you a little tutorial which shows how the background was made using stencils,masks,powder and all that kind of. I hope it will be useful and understandable for newcomers in scrapbooking!
Hello admirers of crafts!
Today I come to you with a magic box created in provance style! I fell in love with this boxes! Recently I've seen so many examples of them from different masters that I caught an inspiration! I was eager to make a unique, not simple and ordinary box)
What assotiates with a word "provance"? What occurs in your minds? When I'm asked this question I imagine a village with lavander lawns, a little house and riding bisycles which have a basket ahead littered with lavander (important point :D)
I tried toportray all this while I was making this box.
Hello everyone!
How much time has past since I didn’t write here! But at last I’ve managed to turn up in blog. I’m glad with it! Because so many events had happened and so many new works are piling which I didn’t share with you, readers of my blog (I sincerely believe that you exist and remain with me, cause I for second time claim to write here more often and permanently)
I’me really excited to tell you all recent news!
I can’t help sharing my achievements! Hope, you’re also happy with me)
Presently I’ll probably leave two design teams, to my regret. They are Freetany Flowers and Scrap Moscow Club. I’m very thankful to them for not only experience but feelings as well. Especially to Freetany Flowers as Tanya,the founder, was first who selected me as a designer!
But within it new opportunities are opening in front of me! For the next period I’m going to create in CraftPaper’s blog and Lazer39 one! So inspiring! I’m already ready to not ordinary challenges!
Hi everybody!
Today is the first day of a new month-April! And as you know, today people are celebrating the Day of Laughter)) Hope, you'll capture a plenty of funny and pleasant moments! Smiles have some magic and big force, in my view! So, if you smile a lot, you're likely to be strong person!
Today I want to demonstrate my first two tags! Yeah, I've never made them till this time, though I see them in almost every account of any scrapbooker. Owing to my being designer in Freetany Flowers I at last decided to create them) Because our task for this month is called "Tags"
Hello guests of my blog!Today I want to present you a new layout which I've made for my sister as a gift by her birthday.Since I became much more experienced I prefer to give layouts with photographs as presents to our family members) Personally, I think that it is the best present for close people! Why? Because things that we make by own ,puttting up our feelings, efforts, have some particular charm! I don't really know how to describe my feelings when I'm creating something for precious to me people!

Hello sweet addicts!
With a view to inspire you again I have prepared a new miniature! Yeees,you probably have already guessed that it is my everlasting love! On this occasion it is neither bedroom nor room for manual works. It is a kitchen! And of course it is done in shabby, tender style and colours as usually)
Hello my dear friends!
Today I have prepared for your inspiration a little layout full of lace and tenderness.This work has been done for the thematic task "Lacy stories" which is launched by blog Scrap Moscow Club.
Hello scrapbooking lovers!
I’m so excited to present you my little and in the same time ENORMOUS project! It is little because of its size. No, I don’t mean that it is insanely tiny that you can hold it in your palm. Just when we hear “house” we imagine some big building, to my mind. And this house is regarded enormous, for I had contributed to create it a lot of soul and love, mights and efforts, spending much time. Certainly, now I’m gazing at this work with such proud feeling! It inspires me a lot! Let’s examine shabby house together! I promise you’ll discover many tiny details)
Hello my friends!
Today I'd rather show you a new journal I've made as a desighner of Scrap Moscow Club blog for the task "Wooden facture"
It has a leather cover with imitation of wood. It is so pleasant to hold in hands! And I fell in love with this material! I got pleasure working with it
Hello guests of my little creative world!
I'm glad that you've stopped by! If you look through my blog, you'll notice that I had posted in Russian before. Now,after having realized that the major of my readers follow me only in Instagram I made a decision of translating this page to English to improve my knowledge of language, writing skills,to approach my goal closer! One of my biggest goal since my childhood is living and studying abroad!
Hoping, you will support me and approve of my choice! Come on! Let me introduce myself!)
Честно говоря, не нахожу вдохновения писать об одной работе в 3 блогах и в инстаграм. Возможно, это приходит с опытом? Или все просто пишут одно и то же, немного корректируя (ну, например, добавить что-то про доску вдохновение, тематическое задание и прочее-прочее)? Мне просто хочется добавить себя в каждый текст, чтобы чувствовалось комфортно читателям, и складывалось впечатление, что писатель - друг! А вам это важно?
❤ Привеет!❤
Божеее, как я несказанно рада поделиться с вами этим счастьем! Меня пригласили уже в третью дизайн-команду! Я не верю! В этот раз я стала частью нежнейшей дружной команды блога Shabby Chic♡
И вот моя дебютная работа по заданию "Нежные чувства" ... Текстильная открыточка ♡
Спешу поделиться радостной новостью, что я стала одним из приглашенных дизайнеров Московского Скрап Клуба !:)
И вот моя первая работа по доске вдохновения января.
Новогодняя ёлка и шары :) Просто для поднятия настроения пост♡
Posted on четверг, 4 января 2018 г.
С прошедшими праздниками вас!
Как встретили-то начало Нового 2018 года?) Делитесь своими целями, эмоциями и достижения за предыдущий 2017 год и, вообще, всем, чем пожелаете делиться)) Мне всё интересно!
Сегодня сложила я свою ёлку и игрушки, и тут поняла, что совсем здесь,в блоге, не поделилась своей красавицей:0 Исправляю) Вот она:
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