Charming ballet. Lacy layout
Posted on четверг, 22 марта 2018 г.
Obviously, as you can judge all my works, lace is my passion! I can't help using it! I constantly while shopping around gaze at it and try to get by buying it but often my love to this material is much stronger than my strenght of will))
To my opinion, tenderness as well as grace is associated with ballet. That's why I have choosen a figure of ballerina for the central element. Her dance, outfit, movements, hands' position seem to me very beautiful, harmonic and graceful! I wich I could watch them in reality, in the theatre, not through the TV screen.
Charming ballet. Lacy layout
четверг, марта 22, 2018

Integer sodales turpis id sapien bibendum, ac tempor quam dignissim. Mauris feugiat lobortis dignissim. Aliquam facilisis, velit sit amet sagittis laoreet, urna risus porta nisi, nec fringilla diam leo quis purus.
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Wow its beautiful! Same here I love lace, but I end up not wanting to part with it so I dont use it that much
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you very much! So what do you use much more often than other scrapbooking supplies?)))